Add an OU Blog Activity to a CLE Course


OU blogs work like a standard web blog and can be created within a CLE course using the Open University (OU) blog activity module. OU blogs can be individual blogs, group blogs, or course-wide blogs, where everyone in the class posts to the same blog.

For your course, you might want two different kinds of blogs: one that is a reflective blog for each student that only the student and the instructor can see, and another that is a group blog where all of the students can post and comment on each other's posts.

When to use

Use blogs to spark discussion and/or reflection among your students. Give students clear guidelines on what is expected of them and select a level of privacy that is appropriate for your specific blogging exercise.


You can use the OU blog feature to create user blogs (one for each individual user) and course blogs (shared by all students in a course, or in a group). These have the following advantages:

  • Comments can be disabled for a specific blog or post, but people can leave comments in both user and course blogs. Instructors can edit or delete posts and comments, but deleted or previous text remains available to administrator users.
  • There are several levels of access control for blogging: private (user only), course members, logged-in users, and worldwide.
  • Blog-specific tags can be added that are not linked to the CLE tag system. Click on a tag to see all posts in the current blog that have that tag. A full text search of blog posts is also possible.
  • Students can change the name of their blog and personalize it with a description.
  • You can manually create a grade item in the Gradebook to make student OU blogs assessable if you wish.
  • Individual OU blogs, accessible only by the individual student and the instructor, can be used to encourage student reflection.
Create an OU Blog Add an OU Blog Entry Add or Delete an OU Blog Comment View and Grade Participation in an OU Blog
Create an OU Blog

To create a course-specific Open University blog:

  1. On the course home page, click turn Edit mode on, then click Add an activity or resource and select OU blog from the menu.
  2. Enter a Blog name and, if necessary, an Intro on the Adding a new OU blog page. The introduction is a good place to describe the blog's requirements.


  3. Select whether to Allow comments and who can leave them.
  4. Select whether you will use Individual blogs in this case, e.g., select Separate individual blogs if you want a student to only be able to view or post to their own blog. (Click the Help icon for further information).
  5. If applicable, select the level of Maximum visibility for this blog (click the Help icon for further information).
    -Select whether you want to Show the intro when posting.
  6. Select the Maximum attachment size and Maximum number of attachments for this blog.
  7. Select the Number of posts per page that you want to appear on the page.
  8. Under Advanced options, select whether to Show blog usage statistics.
  9. Select an Alternate activity name if desired. This will replace the default name 'blog'.
  10. Choose whether you wish to allow users to import blog posts from other blogs by checking/unchecking Enable post import.
  11. In the Tags field type in any predefined tags you wish students to have access to. It will be beneficial to provide students with a starting set of tags rather than having them create their own. Select "Allow pre-defined Tags only" if you want students to use only the tags you define here.
  12. Under the Grade options, choose whether this blog will be graded by the instructor or using ratings. If grading is required, choose the scale, or point system and the gradebook category that the grade should go under.
  13. Under Common module settings, decide whether you will make the blog Visible, and whether you will use Group mode for this blog. This makes sense if the blog is part of a group project. Select Visible groups if you want students to be able to see the blogs of other groups, or Separate groups if they are only allowed to see their own blog.
  14. Complete the remaining sections of the page as needed, then click Save and display.
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