Apply a CLE Course Format

There are five different course formats to choose from in the CLE, each with strengths and applications. While the default Topics course format may be the best fit for your students, exploring other options to help enhance your CLE course is worth exploring.

The following roles can edit course formats in a CLE course: Manager, Instructor, Course Assistant, and Grading Assistant.

Topics Format Weekly Format Collapsed Topic Format Other Formats

The course is organized into topic sections, and the instructor can edit individual topic names. Each topic section contains activities and resources.

This format is suitable if your course is objective-based, and each objective may take different amounts of time to complete, such as an asynchronous course. An example of this would be when using scaffolding, where students are building upon the knowledge from earlier topics.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page the Topics Format.png

To use the Topics course format:

  1. While in the CLE course, there is a switch labeled Edit mode on the top right-hand side, click the button to turn Edit mode on
  2. Scroll down and expand the Course format section
  3. From the Format drop-down menu, select Topics format
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save and return button

Show Only One Section Per Page

With the Weekly and Topics formats, it is possible to show only one topic per page. The course home page shows just the section names and any text in the section description, along with the number of activities and resources inside of the section, with the names being clickable. This is what students see the first time they access the course. Once the students select a topic by clicking on its name, they see only one section at a time.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page the Topics Format showing a topic at a time.png

Students can navigate through topics by Clicking on topics in the left-hand index menu.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page the Topics Format in the
        left-hand index menu.png

This is great to use for courses with a large amount of content, where students are expected to work on only one topic at any given time.

To enable one topic per page in a course:

  1. While in the CLE course, there is a switch labeled Edit mode on the top right-hand side, click the button to turn Edit mode on
  2. Expand the Course format settings and select Topics format
  3. Next to Course layout, select Show one section per page
  4. Scroll down and click on Save and display

If Edit mode is turned on in the course, then only those with an editing role will see all the content in all the sections while on the main course page. To view the course from the student's perspective, click on your profile icon in the top-right corner and click Switch role to... then click Student

  • Remember to click Return to my normal role when you are done

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page when the instructor switches to Student role.png

The course is organized week by week, with a clear start and finish date. The CLE will create a section for each week of your course depending on the number of sections selected on the Edit Settings page.

If you want all students to work on the same materials simultaneously, this is a good format to choose. Many academic courses use the weekly format.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page showing the collapsed and expandable weekly format side by side.png

To use the Weekly course format:

  1. While in the CLE course, there is a switch labeled Edit mode on the top right-hand side, click the button to turn Edit mode on
  2. Scroll down and expand the Course format section
  3. From the Format drop-down menu, select Weekly format
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save Changes button. The Weekly course format will now be used in the course.

Ensure." your course start date is entered in Edit Settings -> Course Start Date. If a start date is not entered, the weeks will use the incorrect dates. This is especially important if you have imported content into a course to use for a new quarter.

Streamline the look of your CLE course! The Collapsed Topics format helps to organize your course to eliminate the "scroll of death". The course format allows students to keep course content tucked away within sections. Topics can be expanded and collapsed with a single click and the toggles' state is remembered per course per user.

The Collapsed Topics course format is one of the newest course formats in the CLE. It is great for both academic or collaboration courses with a large number of resources and activities.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page showing the Collapsed Topics format.png

To use the Collapsed Topics course format:

  1. While in the CLE course, there is a switch labeled Edit mode on the top right-hand side, click the button to turn Edit mode on
  2. Scroll down and expand the Course format section
  3. From the Format drop-down menu, select Collapsed Topics
  4. Configure Collapsed Topics settings to meet your course needs.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page showing the configuration of the Collapsed Topics format.png

Toggle "Show the section summary when collapsed " to allow all participants to see the section summary regardless of the toggle state.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page showing the section summary when collapsed on the course page.png

By default, this is set to "No". Course editors must toggle it to "Yes" to enable it in the CLE courses.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page settings showing how to set the default toggle from No to Yes for Topics Format.png

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save and display button

The Collapsed Topics course format will now be used in the course.


Social course format

This course format is focused on one main forum, the social forum, which appears listed on the main page.

Great course format for student groups, organizations, and department collaboration. It is useful for more free-form situations and may not even be courses.


To use the Social course format:

  1. While in the CLE course, there is a switch labeled Edit mode on the top right-hand side, click the button to turn Edit mode on
  2. Scroll down and expand the Course format section
  3. From the Format drop-down menu, select Social format
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save and display button

The Social course format will now be used in the course.

The course forum can be edited by clicking the Update this forum button on the social forum page. The forum introduction is displayed at the top of the course page. Activities and resources can be added to the side of the course utilizing the Social activities block.

Single Activity course format

The Single Activity course format only has one section and allows the instructor to add only one activity to the course. When the single activity format is selected, a drop-down menu appears for the instructor to choose the activity to use in the course. Students are taken directly to this activity upon entering the course.

Where the focus of a course is on a single activity, such as a Forum or Quiz.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE course page showing two Single Activity course Format images side by side.png

To use the Single activity course format:

  1. While in the CLE course, there is a switch labeled Edit mode on the top right-hand side, click the button to turn Edit mode on
  2. Scroll down and expand the Course format section
  3. From the Format drop-down menu, select Single Activity format
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save and display button

The Single Activity course format will now be used in the course.

The Single Activity course format displays additional resources and activities as “orphaned” and for instructors only; while the Social format displays additional activities and resources in an activities block and is available to students.

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