Restrict Access to Activities or Resources

Instructors can control the release of resources and activities to students based on specific criteria, such as designated dates, received grades, or profile information, using the Restrict access settings. This feature, also referred to as conditional release, proves particularly valuable in asynchronous online courses, where students progress through the CLE (Course Learning Environment) at their own pace.

To implement this functionality, both instructors and content assistants will encounter a dedicated Restrict access section in the setup screen of each resource and activity. Once the Restrict access settings are configured according to the specified conditions, the associated activity or resource will remain hidden on the CLE course page until all the predetermined criteria are met.

It's worth noting that these access restrictions, or conditional release settings, can be applied to either a newly added resource or activity on the course page or to one that has already been integrated into the course's materials and content. This capability empowers educators to tailor the learning experience effectively and ensure that students gain access to the appropriate resources and activities at the right time in their individual learning journeys.

Settings Group Settings

To restrict access to an activity or resource:

  1. Log onto CLE, locate your course site, and turn Edit mode on.
  2. Click Add a new activity or resource, or click Edit settings for an activity or resource that was previously added to the course.
  3. From the Edit Settings page, scroll down to the Restrict access section and expand.
  4. Click the Add restriction… button to set up a restriction
  5. After clicking the Add restriction button, a choice of conditions appear
  6. Restrictions can be based upon completion of activitydategradegroup, grouping, mobile app, user profile fields, or a set of nested restrictions

A screenshot of the CLE course from an instructor's perspective: How to locate to restrict access to an activity

  • Activity Completion: Require students to complete (or not complete) another activity(Note this button only appears if you have Activity completion enabled in your CLE course)
  • Date: Prevent access until (or from) a specified date and time
  • Grade: Require students to achieve a specified grade on an activity
  • Group: Control access based on if students belong to a certain group (Note the groups and grouping button only appears if you have Groups enabled in your CLE course) 
  • Grouping: Control access based on if students belong to a certain group
  • Mobile App: Require students to access (or not access) using the mobile app
  • User Profile: Control access based on fields within the student’s profile
  • Restriction Set: Add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic

After selecting an initial release condition, further restrictions may be added by clicking the Add restriction button again. It is possible to specify that ALL the conditions or ANY of the conditions are required before the activity is made available. Thus, it is possible to use Or as well as And conditions.

The example below shows an access restriction using a Date condition, preventing students from accessing the activity outside of the designated times (February 17 at 8 am until February 17 at 10:25 pm).

A screenshot of the CLE course from an instructor's perspective: The example shows an access restriction using a date condition on the activity settings page

The example below shows an access restriction using a Grade condition, preventing students from accessing the activity until they have completed the previous activity.

A screenshot of the CLE course from an instructor's perspective: The example shows an access restriction by preventing students from accessing the activity until they have completed the previous activity.

The example below shows an access restriction using a User profile condition, preventing students from accessing the activity unless their first name is Ryan.

A screenshot of the CLE course from an instructor's perspective: The example shows an access restriction by preventing students from accessing the activity unless you have a specific name.

Choose how the resource or activity displays on the course page for students both before and after the access restrictions.

A screenshot of the CLE course from an instructor's perspective: The example how the resource or activity displays on the course page for students both before and after the access restrictions.

Remember to tick the content change notification box to notify participants about the new or changed activity or resource before you save the changes. 
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