Otter: Editing Transcripts

Edit Text Add Vocabulary Name Speakers

The Otter transcription service uses AI (artificial intelligence) to transcribe speech to text, and the results are not always completely accurate. If you plan to share a transcript after a Zoom session has concluded, or if you add closed captions to a recorded video, you may want to edit the transcribed text before sharing. You can also create custom vocabulary words and train Otter to better understand your voice during the live transcription. This is all possible on the website.

In this help article, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Editing transcript text
  2. Adding custom vocabulary
  3. Naming speakers

Editing Transcript Text

After an Otter-enabled Zoom meeting ends, the system will process for a short time, and then you can use Otter's synchronized playback feature to review and edit the transcript. Editing will allow you to provide more accurate transcripts to your audience, but it also helps to train the AI to more accurately transcribe your words and identify speaker names in future transcripts.

To edit a transcript:

  1. Log in to your account on
  2. Click on the My Conversations tab from the navigation column.
  3. Click to select and open a conversation.
  4. Click the Edit button in the top right corner to enter editing mode.
  5. Press the play button at the bottom of the screen, and click within the transcript to hear the corresponding audio.
  6. As you review the transcript, you can delete, change or add words as needed.
  7. When you are finished, click the Done button in the top-right corner of the screen to save changes.

screenshot of transcript on otter ai showing edit and play button

Next Steps

Now that you have finished editing your transcript, you can Add Vocabulary in Otter to include industry specific terminology and also Name Speakers to help your audience distinguish between them.

Once finished, it's time to move on to Sharing Transcripts.

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