Manage Participants and Enrollment in a CLE Course

Instructors and Managers can choose from multiple enrollment methods to grant users access to a CLE course. All enrollment methods require users to log in with a UCSF MyAccess account, with one exception; Guest access, which only grants partial access to course materials.

Regardless of the enrollment method(s) applied, CLE courses are hidden from students by default. To grant students access to your course after they are enrolled:

  1. Click on Settings in the Secondary navigation bar
  2. Set the Course visibility to Show

A gif of a UCSF CLE course settings from a instructor or manager's perspective: How to set course visibility 

Participants Enrollments Cohort

The Participants page enables instructors and course staff to easily enroll, view, search for, filter, edit, and delete course participants all from a single page.

The Participants page can be accessed from the Secondary navigation bar through the Participants tab on the course page. It will show the list of the participants enrolled in your course, including their details like First Name, Surname, Email address, Last access, Assigned Roles within the course, and last access to the course. You can Enroll new users in your course by:

  1. Click Enroll users in the top left side, as shown in the image.

A screenshot of the participant's page in a UCSF CLE course from a instructor or manager's perspective: How to enroll users

2. In the pop-up window, first choose the role to be assigned from the drop-down menu. Let’s say that you want to assign the Student role to your users, which is set by default.

3. Search the Names of the users to Enroll them as a Student in your course.

4. To limit the Enrollment duration for some specified time, expand by clicking Show More and set the Enrollment start date, duration, and end date. 

The Participants page

A screenshot of the participant's page in a UCSF CLE course from a instructor or manager's perspective: How to enroll, view, search for, filter, edit and delete course participants

The participant page provides a clean layout that allows instructors to easily enroll, view, search for, filter, edit, and delete course participants. View the image and list of features below:

  1. Search the drop-down menu to filter users by period of activity, enrollment method, group, role, and status 
  2. Search for users by filtering by first and last name
  3. Towards the left-hand side, next to the blue "Enroll users" button, search the drop-down menu to filter, select an enrollment method, edit groups, edit course permissions, and check permissions for users in your course. Click on Other Users to view a list of users that are not enrolled in this course but do have roles inherited or assigned within it
  4. The Status column indicates if a student is active, click the I icon to reveal enrollment details, click the gear icon to edit enrollment, click the trash can to unenroll users
  5. Bulk-select users in your course and then choose if you would like to send them a message, edit selected user enrollments, or delete the selected users from your course
  6. Click enroll users to manually enroll users in your course

Enroll users

To Manually enroll students:

  1. Click Participants in the Secondary navigation bar
  2. Click the Enroll users button at the top left or bottom right of the page.
  3. The Enroll users window will open.

    A screenshot of the participant's page in a UCSF CLE course from a instructor or manager's perspective: How to enroll individual users

  4. If adding individual users, select users and enter the name or the ID# for the student or employee. Click Select Cohort If you are enrolling in a cohort.

    A screenshot of the participant's page in a UCSF CLE course from a instructor or manager's perspective: How to enroll cohorts

  5. Click Show More to expand the enrollment options and set them as appropriate. These include the enrollment duration
  6. Click the Enroll Selected Users and Cohorts button towards the bottom of the window to complete enrollment

The user will then appear in the list of enrolled users.

Delete users

To delete users from a course:

  1. Click Participants in the Secondary navigation bar.
  2. The Participants page will open.
  3. Search for the student/user that you would like to delete and click the trash can located on the far right.

    A screenshot of the participant's page in a UCSF CLE course from a instructor or manager's perspective: How to enroll delete users
  4. The student or user will be removed from the course.

Select enrollment methods

  1. Click Participants in the Secondary navigation bar
  2. Towards the left-hand side, next to the blue "Enroll users" button, search the drop-down menu to
  3. Select Enrollment Methods from the drop-down menu. The enrollment methods window will open.
  4. In Add method, select the enrollment method.

A screenshot of the participant's page in a UCSF CLE course from a instructor or manager's perspective: How to add an enrollment method

Click the trash can icon to delete an enrollment method, click the eye icon to enable or disable an enrollment, and click the gear icon to make edits.


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