Review Quiz Results

After students complete quiz attempts, instructors and administrators can view the results in a report that displays information about these attempts. For example, you can see the user information, when the attempt began and ended, how long the attempt lasted, and whether items need to be manually graded.

Access quiz results 

    1. After all students have submitted their attempts, log in to the CLE (
    2. On your course page, locate the Quiz and select the Quiz name to open the quiz. This will open the quiz inbox page. 
    3. On the quiz inbox page, click the Results tab located in the Quiz navigation bar towards the top of the page.

      A Gif showing the UCSF CLE Quiz navigation bar and quiz results page.png
    4. On the Results page, choose Grades from the dropdown menu in the top-left corner. 
        • Grades show all the students’ attempts, along with their overall grades, and the grade for each question for the final exam. There are links to review details related to each student’s attempt. 
        • Responses are very similar to the Grades report, except it shows the responses the students submitted, rather than the marks (or points) they earned. It is also possible to show the question text or the right answer in this report, to compare with the other students' responses. This is helpful when the question is randomized.

          A Gif showing the UCSF CLE quiz responses page.png

        • Statistics gives a statistical (psychometric) analysis of the quiz and the questions within it. The front page of this report gives a summary of the whole test. Additionally, there are links to drill down into a detailed analysis for each question. Please refer to the Quiz statistics report for more detailed information about the different types of statistics that can be collected in the CLE.

          A Gif showing the UCSF CLE quiz statistics page.png

        • Manual grading is used to grade essay questions and override scores for other question types. The first screen of the report lists all the questions in the quiz that need to be or have been manually graded. 
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