Reports and Logs

Did you know that you can look up student activity to verify that they have reviewed material, participated in course activities, and completed required exercises? The reports and logs in the CLE are a great way to validate whether or not students are keeping pace within a given course. Log reports can be configured by activity, time frame, student/user, group, actions, and more. Reports can also be exported for manipulation in Excel or other spreadsheet programs.

There are five different types of reports that you can generate at the course level:

  • Logs
  • Live Logs
  • Activity Reports
  • Course Participation
  • Activity Completion
Logs Live Logs Reports Participation Completion

Course logs allow instructors to see which resources or activities have been accessed and when. You can check to see if an individual student has viewed a specific resource or participated in a particular activity. You can limit your search to a specific day, or get results for a specified period. Logs are particularly helpful for viewing an individual student’s forum posts over the semester.

Run a Log Report:

  1. Log into the CLE and access the course for which you are running a log report
  2. On your course page, click the Reports tab in the Secondary navigation bar
  3. Click the drop-down menu under the Quiz navigation bar and click Logs
  4. A new page will open and display an array of options and drop-down menus. Choose one or more options to narrow the search results
  5. Click Get these logs. The page will refresh displaying logs based on your chosen filters
  6. To download the report as a file, use the Download table data from the drop-down menu to select a file type
  7. Click Download (at the bottom of the report) to download the report file to your computer

Log Report Example

A screenshot showing the UCSF CLE gradebook report showing a log report example.png

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