After the semester concludes, you have the convenience of using the CLE gradebook to generate your final course grades effortlessly. With just a simple click, you can import these grades directly into the CLE system. Additionally, the CLE gradebook offers the flexibility to extract data to your personal computer, allowing you to modify values or incorporate them into your preferred grading system, such as Excel, especially if you utilize advanced formulas for grade computation.
Using a spreadsheet, instructors can import student grades directly to the CLE gradebook. This data can be imported into existing grade columns for CLE activities, or into new grade items created during the import process. You cannot import directly into category totals or the Course total column. This page describes how to format a grading spreadsheet, and then import this student data into CLE
Prepare a Data File for Import
To successfully import data to the CLE gradebook, the import file must:
- be saved as a Comma Separated Values (.csv) or Tab Delimited Text (.txt; use when importing comments)
- have a header row containing a name for each column, and no duplicate headers
- have a column containing unique identifiers for each student (either the 8-digit SPIRE ID number or email addresses that are listed for students in the CLE.)
- have data only for students you intend to update (otherwise, you may unintentionally override scores, even if cells are blank)
- be free of duplicate students and empty cells (e.g., blank rows/columns, cells containing data other than student grades)
For best results, we also suggest you first go to the CLE gradebook for the course and Export the gradebook to use as a template to be imported back with new data. This will ensure you have the correct unique identifiers to match data to the correct students.
Import the File to the CLE Gradebook
- In your CLE course, click Grades in the Secondary navigation bar.
- Then, select Import.
- The Import: CSV file page will open.
- In the Import file area, drag and drop a file from your desktop or click Choose a file... The File picker will open. Use the File picker to select a file from your computer. Once your file is uploaded, the file name will be displayed.
- On the Import CSV page, for Separator:
- If uploading a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file, leave the option set to Comma.
- If uploading a Tab Delimited Text (.txt) file, change the option to Tab.
- Click Upload grades. If the upload is successful, the Import preview screen will open.
- In the Import preview area, review the sample grid and verify the upload data.
Note: Data should appear in columns with headers above each column. If data is not displayed in a table with columns and rows, this indicates a problem with CLE reading the file. Ensure the file is saved in the correct format, and then repeat the upload.
- The Identify user by section is where you match the unique identifiers in your spreadsheet to students in CLE.
- To match users by Student ID, set both the Map from and Map to drop-down menus to ID number (default).
- To match users by email address, set both the Map from and Map to drop-down menus to Email address.
- The Grade item mappings section is where you match columns in your spreadsheet to grade items in CLE. The column headings from your imported file will be listed at the left, with a drop-down menu (to the right) listing existing grade items in the course gradebook.
- To import a column to an existing Grade item, select the Grade item name from the Grade item mapping drop-down.
Note: This will overwrite existing data in the CLE gradebook for each student in your spreadsheet.
- To add a new Grade item, select the new grade item (at the top of the drop-down list).
Note: Each New grade item created in this manner will have a default maximum value of 100 points (If needed, you can adjust the maximum value after import—see Confi).
- To skip a column and not import its data, leave the drop-down menu set to ignore.
- To import written feedback for a Grade item, map the spreadsheet column to the Comments for a grade item, not to the Grade item itself, nor as a New grade item.
Note: Comments are grouped at the bottom of the Grade item mappings drop-down menus.
- To import a column to an existing Grade item, select the Grade item name from the Grade item mapping drop-down.
- Click Upload grades at the bottom of the screen. The upload will begin. If the upload is successful, you will see a "Success" message.
- Click Continue to return to the Grader report view of your gradebook. Make sure the new data is properly inserted in the appropriate columns.
- In your CLE course, click Grade on the left side of the navigation bar. This will navigate you to the grader report page.
- In the grader report, click the Export tab.
- Click the sub-tab to choose the format of the grade book file. The (format chosen) page will open.
- Under Grade items to be included, select the checkboxes for the columns to download.
Note: By default, every column in your gradebook will be included. At the top or bottom of the list, you can click Select all/none to make selecting columns more efficient. - Under Export format options, select the check boxes for the settings you wish to change.
- Include feedback in export: Include a column in the exported file for existing feedback or to add feedback for future upload.
- Require active enrollment: Only include students in the export whose enrollment is active and has not been suspended.
- Grade export display types: Select which grade format(s) you wish to include in the export. Each format will be in a new column.
- Grade export decimal points: Select the number of decimal points to be reported. Values range from 0 to 5.
- Click Download to start downloading your file.