There are several steps to setting up a new Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE) course and considerations to make before getting started. You can use this page as a guide and follow the links to support articles that explain your options in greater detail.
The CLE is intended for academic courses offered to students who log in using a UCSF MyAccess account.
It is also possible to make a course available to users who are not logged in with a MyAccess account by enabling Guest Access. Guest Access allows public guests to view your course in a very limited way.
If you are developing:
- Online staff training - contact the Learning & Organization Development department.
- Continuing medical education activities for health care providers - contact the Office of Continuing Medical Education.
- A training or program for external audiences - consider using MoodleCloud. MoodleCloud is a hosting service provided by Moodle, the same learning management system at UCSF's CLE. With MoodleCloud, you can have a fully-hosted site to create effective online teaching and learning experiences in a collaborative, private environment.
The category manager in your school or department creates CLE course shells. Please contact your category manager to request a new course shell.
Need help determining who the category manager for your department is? Contact CLE support to find out.
When you request a new course, you’ll need to provide the following information:
- which category the course belongs in
- which quarter the course will be offered
- course title
- course short title- consider an abbreviated title that will be visible in the course emails and links
- who will access the course, and what roles they will be assigned (Manager or Instructor, etc.)
- which enrollment method you will use (manual, SIS, etc.)
Faculty and course staff with course editing roles (instructors, managers) can import course content, activities, and resources from one course into another. You can learn more about importing content in our step-by-step instructions.
CLE courses are never deleted, so students and instructors will continue to have access to prior courses as long as they have an active MyAccess login and Password.
Enroll in the online, self-paced Foundations in the CLE course. This course helps new users perform basic tasks associated with setting up a course or collaboration space in the CLE.
You can also request a training space by filling out a questionnaire in the Foundations course.
*Please note training spaces are created by Learning Tech Group (LTG); we will contact you with new course information within one business day. Contact the LTG at if you have any questions.