About the CLE Messaging Tool
The Messaging tool is located at the top right of the screen and allows instructors, course staff, and students to send private messages to anyone in the CLE.
The interface also features a chat window that shows conversations in real time. Within chat, you can search for other users by name, course, or keywords from past conversations. Adjust your preferences to choose whether you are notified via email or through direct mobile notifications.
Reviewing messages
New messages are highlighted with a number in the messaging menu at the top of the screen. To review new or old messages, click on the message icon.
Messages are divided into starred messages, group messages, and private messages.
Sending messages
To send a message, click on the message icon and search for the person you want to send a message to. Click on their name when they appear and then type your message into the text box. Press enter or click on the send icon to send your message:
When sending messages, the size of the message box will increase as the message lengthens. To start a new line, press Shift + Enter.
Adding and messaging contacts
To add a contact, click their name or picture.
- Click the + sign to add them to your contacts.
- Click the Message icon to message them directly.
Contacts may be accessed from the Contacts link and then either messaged, blocked, or removed.
Deleting messages
To delete a message, open the message and click on it. This will prompt a trash can icon to appear - click on the trash can icon to delete the message.
You can also delete an entire conversation by opening up a conversation, clicking on the three-dot icon, and selecting Delete conversation.
Message preferences
The preferences page allows you to configure how you are notified of new messages online or offline.
There is also an option to click a box to prevent non-contacts from messaging you. Access the preferences page by clicking the gear icon in the messaging menu.