Gradebook Views

The CLE gradebook offers a wide range of views and screens, but only a select few are frequently utilized. This interface displays comprehensive grade information for all students enrolled in the course. Scrollbars are provided along the right side and bottom to accommodate courses with a substantial number of students or assignments. 

When you click on Grades in the Secondary navigation bar to access the Gradebook, the initial view that appears is the Grader Report.

A screenshot of a UCSF CLE gradebook grader report showing the Grade_view_1.png

Here you will find a drop-down menu allowing you to select different views.

A screenshot of the UCSF CLE gradebook grader report showing the drop-down menu for different gadebook views.png


  • Grader report - Gives you access to all students' grades for all assignments. Students will be listed down the left column and the assignments across the top. Each of these Students and Assignments will remain locked as you scroll across or down the gradebook so they will always remain visible. Clicking on an assignment will take you to the assignment page. You can manually add grades here by clicking on the individual grid or cell. To record students' grades from the grader report, check out Record Grades in the CLE.  

A screenshot of the UCSF CLE gradebook grader report showing the drop-down menu for different gadebook views.png

  • Grade history - Allows you to search students' grades history
  • Outcomes report - used if you set up outcome benchmarks for your course
  • Single View - Allows you to see grades and feedback for all students on one graded assignment
  • User Report - Allows you to see a detailed grade report on all assignments for each student.


  • Gradebook setup - Use this menu to set up course grading aggregations, Categories, manually graded assignments, and outcomes. You will use this menu to set up how the gradebook handles individual grades, the grade calculations, and how the gradebook is organized. Check out Set up the Gradebook to learn more.  

A screenshot showing the UCSF CLE gradebook setup page.png

  • Course grade settings - Can use this to modify how students see gradebook
  • Preferences: Grader report - Modify how grader reports are seen


  • Scales - Use this menu to modify or add grading scales like Pass/Fail or Check/Uncheck. For more information, check out Scales.

A screenshot showing the UCSF CLE gradebook setup page by adding a scales.png

  • Outcomes - Use this menu to create outcomes to use for benchmarks or to show proficiencies.
  • Letters - View or modify the letter grade's numeric grade scale.

For more information, check out Display Letter Grades in the CLE. 

A screenshot showing the UCSF CLE gradebook setup page by adding letter grades.png

  • Import - Used for importing grades from a spreadsheet.
  • Export  - Used to export grades to a spreadsheet.

For more information, check out Import and Export the Gradebook. 

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