View Student Grades in the CLE

If the gradebook feature is enabled by your instructor in your course, CLE provides a convenient way to access your grades. A customized report will display all currently graded assignments, allowing you to monitor your academic progress.

With this feature, you can not only view your grades in a specific course but also check your current grades across all your CLE courses. This enables you to stay informed about your performance in all your enrolled classes.

View Grades in Single Course View All Course Grades

View Grades in a Single Course

  1. Log in to the CLE ( and navigate to a course.
  2. On the course homepage, click on Grades in the Secondary navigation bar.
  3. The User report page opens to show all graded activities where your grades have been released, as well as feedback from your instructor (if any). Remember, instructors can control when you see grades for specific activities, so if you do not see all your grades, they are probably hidden until your instructor opens them to you.
  4. At the bottom of the list of graded activities, you may see, if your instructor has released it, your Course total (a running total of your current standing in a course). Depending on how your instructor set up the gradebook, scores may be displayed as points, as percentages, as letter grades, or a combination thereof.

Please note that the Grades tab might be disabled by the instructor in some CLE courses.

A Gif showing how to access grades user report in a CLE course from the student's perspective.gif

Not all instructors use the CLE gradebook, and often instructors will wait until the entire class has completed work before releasing grades.

If you have questions or do not see a grade for a course or a specific assignment, contact the faculty of record to see if the course or activity grades are available to students.

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