Set up Breakout Rooms in a Zoom Meeting Activity

The Zoom meeting plugin seamlessly integrates breakout room functionality into the CLE, enhancing the collaborative learning experience. This feature enables instructors to divide participants into smaller groups during virtual sessions, fostering focused discussions and group activities. The breakout rooms can be automatically or manually assigned, promoting interactive engagement and teamwork among participants. This integration streamlines the process of organizing and managing breakout sessions, contributing to a more effective and dynamic online learning environment within the CLE's platform.

Set up breakout rooms in a Zoom meeting in the CLE

You can now create breakout rooms in a one-time or recurring Zoom meeting activity in the CLE.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Log into the CLE and navigate to the course where you want to add the Zoom meeting activity.
  2. Turn Edit mode on, which is located in the top-right corner.
  3. In the section where the Zoom meeting will go, click Add an activity or resource and select Zoom meeting.

A screenshot of a CLE page showing how to add an activity from the instructor perspective.png

A screenshot of a CLE page showing how to the add an activity and resource pop up window from the instructor perspective: how to add a Zoom meeting.png

  1. In the General section, add a title (required) and description (optional).
  2. In the Schedule section, choose the date and time of the Zoom meeting. You can also make the meeting recurring here.
  3. In the Breakout rooms section, you create the breakout rooms. Click on the plus sign next to rooms to begin. Give the room a name if desired, otherwise, leave the default “Room 1.”
  4. Click on the dropdown and select Add a participant to add to the breakout room. Note that the dropdown will only display a list of students enrolled in the course.
  5. When you have finished, scroll down and click Save and return to course or Save and display

View the GIF below to see steps 6 - 8:

A Gif showing how to create zoom meeting breakout rooms on the the Zoom activity settings page.gif

Note: For step number 8, you can choose to enroll groups of students instead of individual students. Groups must be created in the course before enrolling groups into a breakout room.

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