Add a Workshop Activity

In the Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE), the workshop activity is an engaging and interactive tool designed to facilitate peer assessment and collaboration. The workshop activity in the CLE offers a structured approach to fostering a supportive learning community and honing valuable assessment skills.

Below are several benefits of utilizing this tool:

  • Peer Assessment: Promotes peer learning and assessment by enabling students to review and evaluate each other's work.
  • Iterative Process: Supports multi-step assignments, where students submit drafts, receive feedback, and improve their work based on critiques.
  • Feedback Management: Provides tools for instructors and students to give and receive feedback efficiently, enhancing the learning process.
  • Engagement: Encourages active participation and critical thinking as students analyze and assess their peers' submissions.
  • Variety of Assessment Types: Offers various assessment models such as blind, double-blind, and more, catering to diverse evaluation needs.

The following article provides a comprehensive guide for effectively using the Workshop feature in the CLE:

Setting Up the Workshop Activity

  1. Log in to your CLE course and turn Edit mode on.
  2. Select the topic or section where you want to add the Workshop activity.
  3. Click on the Add an activity or resource link.
  4. Choose the Workshop activity from the list and click Add.

The Main Features of the Workshop Activity

General: It's essential to include a title for the workshop along with a description of the activity. By marking the box below the description field, your students will have access to the activity description on the main CLE course page.

A screenshot showing the worksop setting page- how to add a name and description.png

Grading settings: 

There are four different grading strategies available:

  1. Accumulative grading strategy: The assessment form consists of a set of criteria. Each criterion is graded separately using either a number grade or a scale. Each criterion can have its weight set. Reviewers can put comments on all assessed criteria.
  2. Comments: The assessment form is like the one used in the accumulative grading strategy, but no grades can be given, just comments.
  3. Number of Errors: The assessment form consists of several assertions, each of which can be marked as passed or failed by the reviewer. Various words can be set to express the pass or failure state.
  4. Rubric: The rubric assessment form consists of a set of criteria. For each criterion, several ordered descriptive levels are provided. Several grades are assigned to each of these levels. The reviewer chooses which level answers/describes the given criterion best.

A screenshot showing the workshop activity grade settings.png

Submission settings: When using the workshop feature, you can easily give your students precise guidelines for their submissions. You can define what content is necessary, pick the kinds of submissions you prefer, decide how many attachments are allowed, and manage the types and sizes of files that can be submitted.

A screenshot showing the workshop activity submission settings.png

Assessment settings: During this part of the workshop, you can give directions for the peer review evaluation, similar to the illustration provided below. Moreover, you can activate self-assessment by marking the relevant checkbox to let students assess their own work.

A screenshot showing the workshop activity Assessment settings.png

Feedback settings: You have the option to let students share their general feedback, determine the highest number of attachments they can upload, and choose the types of submissions you prefer. Furthermore, you can craft a conclusion for the activity, which students will access only after they've finished all stages of the review process.

A screenshot showing the workshop activity Feedback settings.png

Monitoring and Grading

  • As an instructor, you can monitor the progress of each phase and provide guidance if needed.
  • Once the assessment phase is complete, you can review the assessments and make any necessary adjustments to grades or feedback.

Finalizing the Workshop

  • After all the phases are complete and you're satisfied with the assessments and grades, you can close the Workshop.
  • Students can see their grades and feedback based on the settings you've configured.

Although there are extra settings that offer customization possibilities, none of them are necessary for establishing a peer review activity. Nevertheless, if you're curious about delving into these choices, you can watch the comprehensive video tutorial offered by the official Moodle channel. This tutorial will lead you through each step, providing a thorough grasp of the various settings and their efficient utilization.

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