Poll Everywhere: Student Resources

What is Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a versatile web and SMS text-messaging student response system that supports classroom engagement. During class, instructors display Poll Everywhere activities on-screen, and students can respond using their devices. The results appear live for class discussion or grading. Instructors use Poll Everywhere for taking attendance, giving quizzes, gauging lesson comprehension, and generally making learning more interactive and engaging for students.

How to Sign In Using Single Sign-On (SSO)

Signing into your Poll Everywhere account is simple with Single Sign-On (SSO). UCSF uses SSO, so you can use your institutional email to log in to your Poll Everywhere account.

Registration with Instructors

Instructors may require you to associate your university email address with your Poll Everywhere responses for grading, participation points, or performance tracking. You can view which instructors you have registered with by clicking “Registration” in your Poll Everywhere participant account (pollev.com).

Viewing Responses & Grades

You can review your response history at any time to check your answers or confirm submission by clicking “History” in your Poll Everywhere participant account (pollev.com).

Respond via Mobile/Desktop Apps

For easy access to Poll Everywhere, download and install the participant response apps:

Respond via the Web

During class, an instructor will display a Poll Everywhere activity on-screen with their username. To respond, visit pollev.com/username from your phone, laptop, or tablet to participate in real-time.

Respond via SMS

If SMS responding is enabled, follow the on-screen instructions to text your instructor’s username instead of entering it into a web browser.

Poll Everywhere is a valuable tool for enhancing student engagement and interaction in the classroom. Explore these resources to maximize your learning experience and participation

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