10 Ways to Support Open Research

  1. Publish in open access journals

  2. Exercise your rights with Open Access Policies
  3. Share your datasets and software code openly

  4. Practice reproducible science

  5. Submit your preprints to open preprint servers

  6. Use you ORCID iD to manage your research outputs and professional activity

  7. Publish with journals that practice open peer review
  8. Use your influence as a professional society member/journal editor

  9. Create a departmental space on eScholarship

    • Make eScholarship your unit’s home for working papers, posters, and more
  10. Participate in the Bay Area Open Science Group
    • Attend a meetup and sign up for the mailing list

Find out more by attending a UCSF Library open research-related class or event.

Visit our Open Access Publishing page for more information or to connect with a scholarly communication expert.

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