Publish in open access journals
Exercise your rights with Open Access Policies
- Deposit your final accepted article manuscripts in eScholarship
- See UC Open Access Policies
Share your datasets and software code openly
- Publish data for free on Dryad
- See the library’s Reproducible Data Management guide
- Share code on zenodo.org
Practice reproducible science
- Pre-register your research studies using AsPredicted or OSF Registries
- Use and contribute to open methods on protocols.io
Submit your preprints to open preprint servers
- Post manuscripts on sites like bioRxiv or medRxiv before peer review for faster dissemination
- See Where can I find and publish preprints
Use you ORCID iD to manage your research outputs and professional activity
Publish with journals that practice open peer review
- Find out more about open peer review and how it increases transparency
Use your influence as a professional society member/journal editor
- Engage with your society on the importance of full open access
- Encourage your journal to adopt open research practices
- See Transitioning Journals to OA from the Office of Scholarly Communication
Create a departmental space on eScholarship
- Make eScholarship your unit’s home for working papers, posters, and more
Participate in the Bay Area Open Science Group
- Attend a meetup and sign up for the mailing list
Find out more by attending a UCSF Library open research-related class or event.
Visit our Open Access Publishing page for more information or to connect with a scholarly communication expert.