Overview: FeedbackFruits for Faculty

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What is FeedbackFruits?

FeedbackFruits is an all-in-one tool suite that integrates seamlessly with the UCSF CLE. It includes 15 tools designed to boost student engagement and collaboration for synchronous and/or asynchronous learning experiences.

  • A variety of tools to suit your needs: The FeedbackFruits suite offers several tools that address needs identified across UCSF schools and programs, including authentic assessment, peer review, collaborative content, group work and team-based learning, plus opportunities for instructors and learners to use text, audio, and video when submitting assignments and giving feedback. Explore the FeedbackFruits tool suite for UCSF to learn more.

  • Streamlined workflow: To help streamline workflows for faculty, graders and course developers, FeedbackFruits syncs with the CLE gradebook and learner groups or sections, and it supports re-usable rubrics and activity templates and copying that may be shared across instructors, courses or departments.

  • Learning analytics for admins, instructors and learners: FeedbackFruits provides data and learner analytics to help gain insights about student engagement, student progress, group and teamwork, details of interactions with content, and more.  

  • 24-hour Just-In-Time Support Weekdays. FeedbackFruits offers 24-hour just-in-time live support Monday through Friday for faculty, staff and learners with response times averaging under 5 minutes within all FeedbackFruits activities
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