Requesting Access to ZSFG Library Resources Off-Site

The only way for DPH employees to access ZSFG Library databases off-site is through remote access. If you need access to library databases off-site, ask your manager to complete a request by following these steps.

Only managers with a DPH Active Directory account can submit a Remote Access Request on behalf of DPH staff.

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your DPH Active Directory account. (If you are not currently on the SFDPH network, you will be prompted for Duo two-factor authentication.)
  3. Click on Request Something
  4. Scroll down and click on Remote Access Request
  5. Fill out the Remote Access Request form AND provide the following information:
    • For "Business Justification for Remote Access" enter the following text: 
      • Remote access to VDI is needed to get to IP restricted Library journals that are only accessible via the DPH network, including DPH Virtual Desktop (VDI).
    • For "Does this list above contain all the applications and files that your employees need to access?" Select Yes
  6. Click on the blue Request button to submit the request to DPH IT

Once access has been provisioned, DPH IT will contact the manager.

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