H5P Timeline

About Timeline

The Timeline content type allows you to place a sequence of events in chronological order. For each event, you may add images and text. You may also include assets from Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Google Maps, and SoundCloud.

Note: In terms of the video format, H5P accepts MP4 and Youtube videos. For audio, H5P works with MP3 and WAV. If needed, you can use the free online converter to convert your files to the desired format. 

Use cases

You can use a Timeline content type for content where you want to present a sequence of events in chronological order such as:

  • Schedule the semester with hyperlinked assignments 
  • Historical Illustration of medical discoveries
  • Risks of a medication in a timeline
  • Symptoms of a disease in different stages


Create the Timeline H5P interactive content

Creating new H5P content is a multi-step process. H5P activities are managed through a Content Bank – an area where H5P content may be created, edited and stored. Once an activity has been created in the content bank, it can be added to your course and the activity settings can be configured as needed. 

  1. Open the CLE (cle.ucsf.edu) 
  2. Go to the CLE course where you would like to add the activity and turn Edit mode on. 
  3. Navigate to the content bank in your course to create interactive content and visit the H5P timeline tutorial to learn how timelines work.    
  4. Once your activity has been created, navigate to the section where the activity should be located. 
  5. Click add an activity or resource to add an H5P activity to your course. 
You can combine H5P content into other activities or resources in the CLE such as a Page, Lesson, or Book. Review Embed H5P into other activities in the CLE for more information and instructions.
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