About Multiple Choice
The Multiple Choice content type is your staple multiple-choice quizzing tool. Multiple Choice can be used to test the learner's level of knowledge on a given topic.
Use Cases
Multiple Choice questions can be used for testing knowledge related to a certain topic. Multiple Choice questions can be an effective assessment tool when they are created properly and the learner is given immediate feedback on their performance. The H5P Multiple Choice questions can have single or multiple correct options per question.
Multiple Choice questions can be used on their own as a knowledge check or they can be included in Question Sets, Interactive Videos, or Course Presentations.
Create Multiple Choice H5P interactive content
Creating new H5P content is a multi-step process. H5P activities are managed through a Content Bank – an area where H5P content may be created, edited, and stored. Once an activity has been created in the content bank, it can be added to your course and the activity settings can be configured as needed.
- Open the CLE (cle.ucsf.edu)
- Go to the CLE course where you would like to add the activity and turn Edit mode on.
- Navigate to the content bank in your course to create interactive content and visit the H5P multiple choice tutorial to learn how multiple choice works.
- Once your activity has been created, navigate to the section where the activity should be located.
- Click add an activity or resource to add an H5P activity to your course.