Overview: Instructional Design

Instructional design is the evidence-based practice of creating teaching and learning experiences to make knowledge and skill acquisition more efficient, effective and appealing.

Instructional design focuses on the learner and what they need in order to learn. 

An instructional designer can help you:


What Instructional Design Support is Available at UCSF?

An instructional designer can assist you in designing, developing and revising engaging and interactive online, blended, or face-to-face courses. An instructional designer can consult with you to discuss your course design and development needs.

Contact an Instructional Design expert to schedule a consultation: 

  • Integrate your course into the CLE, UCSF's learning management system
  • Design or redesign a course in preparation for online delivery
  • Revise and redesign course design and structure
  • Incorporate research-based online instructional design best practices
  • Choose appropriate educational technologies and develop online course materials to enhance teaching and learning
  • Provide suggestions based on current research in educational technology and online learning
  • Share specialized teaching strategies, so your online, blended or face-to-face course provides an effective teaching and learning experience
  • Make thoughtful use of a range of CLE tools

Whether you decide to develop a new course or redesign an existing course, your Instructional Designers/Instructional Technology Specialist will act as your partner and will help you execute your vision in a way that works effectively in your teaching and learning environment.

Help Articles in this Section

Course Design Tips and Tricks

Online Learning Approaches

Poll Everywhere

Add Poll Everywhere add-in to Office 365 PowerPoint

Zooming into the Online Classroom

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