Media@UCSF: Collaborators

This article explains how Media owners can change their media ownership. They can also add co-editors, co-publishers, and co-viewers in the CLE.

To change an entry’s media owner:

    1. Navigate to your CLE course and select My Kaltura Media from the User drop-down menu.
    2. Click on the media you want to transfer to another owner.
    3. To the right of the video you want to share, select "Edit", the pencil icon.
    4. Select the Collaboration tab, then select Change Media Owner.
    5. The Change Media Owner window is displayed below.

A gif showing how to change a media owner in My Kaltura Media.gif

6. Enter the username/email of the new owner. You can add users that are already available on the site, and you can use the auto-complete function.

7. Click Save.

To add Co-Editors, Co-Publishers, and Co-Viewers:

A screenshot showing a CLE user how to add a collaborator to a media entry.png

    1. Navigate to your CLE course and select My Kaltura Media from the User drop-down menu.
    2. To the right of the video you want to share, click "Edit", the pencil icon.
    3. Select the Collaboration tab, then select Add Collaborator.
    4. In the box type the name of the user with whom you would like to share the video, then choose the appropriate permissions. You can choose multiple boxes if needed. 
      • Co-Editors can edit the video
      • Co-Publishers can publish the video to other courses
      • Co-Viewers can view the video
    5. After you have selected the appropriate permissions, select Add to add your collaborators. 
    6. To view the collaborators’ permissions select View All Permissions and select the type of collaborator.

A screenshot showing how to select the appropriate Permissions and type of collaborator.

7. Utilize the editing icons in the Actions column to edit/delete the collaboration options.

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